



Winter negotiates spring,
ts last watered drops, ice tears
nourish that which will be,
release of what no longer serves.

After snow, graupel,
downpour of rain, I see your
green blush arms reach
to azure sky. I await, I inscribe your
nod to a new found spring.


Awww. It’s spring, at least in part. NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo begins tomorrow.

I welcome this as much as longer days and quick melting snow and birdsong.

Won’t you join me?




I feel that pull again
stop gathering

You see I’ve worked my time

I’ve played the games
I wanted to be noticed
Seen, acknowledged
Let people know I know what I’m doing
Manipulate my life into what I think I want
Control the outcome, control everything

When that ends
there is peace
a quiet to hear
frogs, yes, frogs
I’ve never heard before

When that other stuff ends
I reside in what has been given
Wet sidewalks after spring rain
Running brook that last week was dry
Mother Tree, always
Ravens who now come when I am present
Deer scat in the middle of suburbia
A moon so bright it wakes me up
Snow so deep with sideway winds
our aspen takes its last bow
Squirrels to taunt my Bean

And yet I continue to gather
stuff, new now
paint brushes, canvas
ads for collage
containers, easels
stones and bells and candles
and statues and rattles and drums
and crystals and scarves and
journals and meetings
and Zoom calls
all blessings, yes


My space gets smaller
inside and out
tighter, less room to breathe

I’ve worked my time.

There is freedom calling

Freedom that asks just to sit
Not mediate
Not journal
Not journey
Not chant
Not sing
Not pray

Just sit
Be grateful

I’ve worked my time

It’s time


I found myself in that place again
that place I thought I left behind
cracked the container wide open
to watch contents drain
into the gutter flow
into the sewer wash
into the ocean

Here I am again but
I know better now

I am at cause
my feet on Earth
next to tree
I create that which

In wonder I pick up
a twig somehow
knowing this piece of skeleton
dismembered from its whole
is still at cause

Energy is neither created nor destroyed
It just changes form

Into compost,
Little Twig,
transform into
nourishment for
Little Seed
roots and stem
buds and leaves
from what seems

I am at cause
I create