Summer Solstice


And there are lights…

That burn from wax of bees
scenting air with honey dreams

Skipping flames flashing summons
calling ancestors to assemblage

Far away glow in dark of night
assuring steps on safety’s rungs

Specks and dots, twinkling winks
unwavering star ones await our restore

But Solstice Light, the most generous
revelers ringed with sainted halos,
delight in dance and loosened laugh,
create and sing in joy inflamed


Author’s Note:

Today in PRISM we were given a drawing prompt called Shaping Consciousness. To begin we were to close our eyes and, keeping good humor, draw ourselves and what we feel inside. After several more steps, here I am.

I haven’t stopped smiling since I drew me.

You see, I am not a visual artist in the ways of drawing and painting. But I am required to do so in this course. It employs Intentional Creativity and I am constantly being called out of my comfort zone and in joy.

I couldn’t be in a state of more delight.



Bee and Ladybug

I am cause in the matter
Not victim, not to be blamed,
not good or bad
No judgement
But to stand within the problem

Make space
Nudge the walls a little wider
Push the ceiling up a little higher
Stomp the floor down a little lower
make room, just a bit more room

To be true cause in the matter
is to transform
No worry of past or future
Just see what is within and
Without, the web,
fold into a way of being
a new way of being

I am cause in the matter
It is easy to find beauty in the soft,
In round shapes, lovely colors,
sweet smells, exciting tastes,
birdsong and soulful beats
It is hard in thorny angled places
places of judgement,
of worry and ugly and unknown and
helplessness and injustice
and hatred and mockery
and in the inability of the hard
to see or show or acknowledge
their own beauty

I am cause in the matter
To make space, even more for the hard
Even more for me when I ignore
my Beauty within
Make a bit more space,
breathe a touch more deeply
Expand, even
if just a teeny more
to be able to look anew

Go ahead
Be the cause in the matter
Turn just a little bit
Know it is there
42 degrees


Author’s Note:

42º is where light bends through a prism into a rainbow. Not 41º.  Not 43º. Beauty.




There was a time of triangulation
Master of keeping lines from meeting
no melding of ideas
Just pulling lines into one point
Never through three

What I didn’t know about Prosperity –
once tunnel vision of wealth
money and status –
eternity expanding and folding

The question of Legacy
Not a concern of an only child
always solitary
quantum-ly unaware
But being
Ripples moving into new creation
every moment
passing through

The Mystery
To sit inside
Be still
Be present
Listen and ask to see
Release outcome
Put away guilt
Be grateful
Simple in dance
Seeing beauty in the hard spaces
Love myself
Folding into all

Prosperity. Legacy, Mystery
Within and without
I move in simplicity,
wonder, and awe


Author’s Note:

Today’s lesson in quantum physics and intentional creativity and a little Cosmic Cowgirl thrown in to fold into a triangulation.

Maybe “folding” is getting a bit old, too used. Even this early in time of prismic study. Maybe I don’t understand.

Maybe it doesn’t matter as creation always is and continues as long as I ask to see.

Another triangulation happened yesterday and today. Three separate events and actions. I ask to see where these connect to me. I need that time of silence and stillness, listening and not reacting – being.

Much love and gratitude to this community of the Red Thread who move through Intentional Creativity, PRISM, Red Thread Guide, Cosmic Cowgirls. Here is the community I longed to know – especially in the quantum field.


New Moon Baby


It is no surprise to find
I am a new moon birth

When others cocoon
to plan and rest
I hide
lest I step out of line
my wild self emerging
That woman who bites and
bares a darkened soul
without fear of consequence
Opposed to apology
Madness near at hand

New Moon
Reminds me
not be to quiet
But silent
Lest I step over
too many lines

A dark time indeed
A time to withdraw and breathe
A time to watch
No reverberation
A time to know my other side
cradled without abrasion

. . .

My teacher, Shiloh Sophia, suggested in my PRISM exploration that we find what moon we were born under. I’ve never had my chart done, but it is easy to find the moon.

This was no surprise.

About two years ago, I began simply paying attention to how I was feeling during the full, quarters, and half moon cycle. It didn’t take me very long to realize something very important. I am a mad woman when there is a new moon and when stress is thrown into the pot. My life at school was pretty much constant stress, so I didn’t have to look hard.

I began simply marking one day before, the day of, and one day after the new moon on my work calendar. It was just a reminder to me to chill. I realized I shouldn’t make any big decisions if it could be avoided. If not, I needed time to think in quiet and not jump to conclusions. Also, people really bug me for some reason during this time, so sheltering in place alone whenever possible was also not a bad  idea.

Once I had this on my calendar, I could first watch what was happening and I did. I really was off the charts at times. Once I was aware, it was then I could either plan an alternate route or simply breathe and breathe and breathe.

My new moon times are much better now.

We are tied with that red thread to nature, too, maybe even more so. And all at that cellular level.

I am excited to open more deeply to those cells and see how I fold into something new.

. . .

I created the image in PicMonkey from a blank canvas. I used their overlays, frames, textures, etc, to create the image. There was no beginning photo on this one.

Morning Glow


morning glow
each element unique
and yet it is
the whole to make
what is
into being

Spiraling around
I see more deeply
each time
parts and pieces
colors finely portioned
shades and hues
to be noticed
if one allows

Spiraling into
a blessing to be held
given freely


Author’s Note:

Looking for spirals but seeing more deeply into that which surrounds me.

I found milkweed for bees and butterflies.

I’ve been wanting to plant some in my yard. This is at the open space near my home on my morning doggie walks. They are mowing differently this year, at least for a while. They are leaving a border along some of the walks with natural vegetation.

In the past, they always mowed this little plant down before it had a chance to bloom. When I walked by I always encouraged it not to give up.

This is the blessing it is giving us this year. I love it so very much.

Marmalade Glisten


I look deeply
an eye that sees out
leaning inward

Do I honor my colors

I humbly ask to see more
that which, at first,
is not quite


newly minted
coat to smooth away
wrinkles of fear
an unburdened interval

remembrance of autumn orbs
not perfectly round
but character drawn
or bits of rind
suspended in time
marmalade glisten
sweet and lucious
treat to savor
part of me to leave

hot pink and magenta
a surprise out of order
yet perfectly in-sync
no need of motive

at last

brilliant yellow glow of Light
shining through
Source of Life
warm and nourishing
something to trust

I step out and in
fold and unfold
into me



Author’s Note:

A special thank you to Bobbi Drish, a friend who so graciously allowed me to use her photo of her moss rose, a portulaca.

I remember as a child in my urban/industrial home, seeing this lovely little plant not only blooming in every crack and dry spot, but thriving in almost all the colors of the rainbow. I bet if I looked closer, I would have seen the entire rainbow.

I am taking a class called PRISM, hosted by Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud and the Intentional Creativity Foundation. We are delving into that which is not necessarily on our radar. Through beginning to understand some basics of physics, Einstein, quantum physics and unfolding into a new form through art, I begin to “see” more deeply.