Wheel of Fortune


PicMonkey playing. Original image from the Phantasmagoric Theatre Tarot by Graham Cameron


It was the night mr. moon put on his pinstripe suit,
the one with green and magenta lines.
Blue tie
       matching mountains
with three tall trees pointing back to his sky,
                                                                                 mr.moon’s place soon to fly.
Nothing to worry about.

He was ready for this night
                                  even though he was fractionally lit.
His small shot glass held clear libation
                                                                        to assuage the wait.

A bottle was set in front of mr. moon
with H as descriptor
                        scribbled on its side.

She, with her pointed ears and lovely skin, all showing,
                                                                                                      nothing covered,
bestowed a long tall glass in front of mr. moon

and poured

                                                     from bottle H.
Gold elixir shimmered in his waning cresent light.

The all knowing mr. moon was puzzled,
the missing puzzle piece caused his wonder.

What could it be in bottle H poured
by delicate hands of
Faerie Tru? Not to be trusted he knew

and cocktails swirled through his head.
Could it be? A drink he favored?
Jinzu gin,
Lemon and ginger…
                                                                                         and she faerie’s favorite
                                                             …coriander shrub.

Hanami begins with H.
Coriander gold.

A trickster’s delight.

What more might she append to keep him down,
his feet
this night to Earth’s rotation.
What should he do?

Exchange the known
                                            for the strange?

The all knowing mr. moon was puzzled,
the missing puzzle piece caused his wonder.


Author’s Note:

Tonight at our writer’s group member Lise Nelson, author at Stories From The Hat, brought our prompts. She handed each of us a pile of mis-matched cards from several of her tarot decks. We chose how many ever we wanted and used them however we wanted.

Here are the ones I pulled.

I then wrote down the images that jumped out at me to use in my writing: Wheel of Fortune, New Moon, Half Moon, Full Moon, Soul Mates, Bees, Moon, dice, puzzle piece, butterfly, faeries, snails, snakes.

But it was the moon in the pinstripe jacket that stole my heart.