Write it, Sugar

A few years ago, maybe four now, I took a class to teach teachers how to teach writing. As a first grade teacher I understood the importance of writing not only for learning how to read but also for learning how to think.u42w1108r_242

For two weeks we studied age appropriate writing research in the morning. Then, all afternoon we were given the task to be writers ourselves. At the end we produced four different genre pieces, an author’s discussion on each piece, and a final project for presentation. I discovered I love to write.

I now organize two writing groups. One is for adults. The other is for students in my school. Both are run the same way. We come to write from a prompt and share. It is not a traditional writer’s workshop where we critique work in progress. It is some of the most powerful writing I’ve seen and done. I’ve completed two National Novel Writing Months and have two novels ready for rewrites and editing. I learned that to fall in love with writing, you must write. Write what you like and don’t be afraid to share with others of like mind.

But I know I need more. I need to grow.

I am a novice. I am not interested in finding a university writing program or another degree. I just enjoy writing.  I’ve had no real, gritty writing training in my life. I want to grow as a writer. I wasn’t sure what I should do.

Then I found Tweetspeak Poetry, Word Candy, the 100 Sweet Bloggers project, and the Poetry Workshop 2013. I read a new poem every day from Every Day Poems . I am inspired by Word Candy quotes and send them to friends. But the most important step I’ve taken is to join Tweetspeak’s Poetry Workshop 2013 with Anne Doe Overstreet.

I cannot begin to thank Tweetspeak, Anne, and my fellow students for this journey. We are only two weeks in and I feel like a freshman in college. I am learning. I am a bit scared. But I know I am going to grow. And that is what it is all about.


So there is no poem this month to go with the  100 Sweet Bloggers Project. I am writing like crazy, but nothing is ready. I am sending this Word Candy as inspiration to all my writing friends out there.

Write because you love to write. Write what you want to write because you love it. But don’t forget to sprinkle a little fertilizer on it to keep your blooms bright and luscious.

You can visit my other entries for the 100 Sweet Bloggers Project here:

February: Come With Me
January: New Year
December: Hobgoblin Nocturnes
November: The Science of Color