Peace Poetry Postcard Month

February ushers in longer days. Where I live Imbolc kisses us with the faintest promise of spring and new life. There is still ice and snow and cold. But there is also hope.

And, most important of all, February gives us Peace Poetry Postcard Month sponsored by a delightful group of poets in the Pacific Northwest who call themselves World Peace Poets. My dear friend, C.J. Prince, also lends her hand to this project. We write a poem each day, put it on a postcard, and send it away!

I teach first grade and my time is so very limited. That is exactly why this is a good project for me. This time of the school year is long, the students are wanting spring even more than I do, and the world needs us.

And so I begin….

Day One – Peace Poetry Postcard Month

First Planting

First we have to plant the seeds.
Creation begins where no one sees.
Deep within darkness where no one sees,
there creation begins.
But we must plant the seeds.

How can we trust that flowers
will bloom or trees push to sky
or grass wave in wind?
How will we know that peace will be,
only because we planted the seeds.


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